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Guiler grabbed the rope and ran directly to the mountains. He was shouting,


“Friend! Friend! Wait for me!”

Letecia, shouting for Guiler’s coming back, asked the man to follow him. Letecia

went back to the room and sat on the bed.

The friends went haunting one time in the mountain named Beto where pine trees bloomed and variety of birds nest. Nesto was thirteen and he was twelve. After haunting, they laid their heads under a straight tall pine tree where fresh air made them feel relaxed. Then Guiler asked his friend,

“Do you really want to marry?”

He laughed and said,


“Of course I do, we do right? I want to marry the girl I want so likewise you. That is why we raise money friend.”

There was a moment of silence before Guiler replied chuckling,


“I just wonder what your son would look like.”

“Maybe he would be like his mother”, said he laughing.

After that midday break they went home. They parted from each other and Tirso continued approaching for their little house meters away from Guiler’s. He brought the three dead tala which he had haunted as present to his aunt. She smiled and cooked it and they ate happily.

Tirso Nesto ang Guiler were childhood friends since the latter’s father brought him and his family in the town when he was six years old. They spent their childhood being collecting shells and silsilap along the Santa Teresita river downtown. The two always played games, which who of them two collects a greater number of shells and stones in a limited time shall be the winner. Nesto was much quicker than Guiler, so Guiler just won rarely. He kept his jealousy in locked to Nesto’s back.

Both did not able to go to school because they need to work with their families. But still they could read and write like others of them. Guiler only lived by farming. He helped his parents with his two brothers in tilling their two-hectare farm while Tirso helped his aunty Nesia, his mother’s sister-in-law, in sewing clothes. She took care of him since he was abandoned. He had no land to till since his cruel and selfish father sold it all. Nesia spent her life being a tailor, widowed after the brutal accident of Nesto’s uncle. She had no son or daughter so that since his nephew was left by her brother-in-law and Anarita, his wife, she took him as her real son, loved him and took care of him.

Nesto and Guiler were so thrifty; it was for which they wanted to raise money for their young minds’ but matured dreams: to build a house of their own, have extra enough money and marry the woman of their dreams. They always kept their extra money in a little bank made of kawayan. But Nesto always had the heavier stuff.

After the day’s hunting, morning came and Nesto helped his aunty fixing those linen and cotton cloths and dresses his aunt used and made. Nesia advised her nephew to be always generous, kind, industrious and so on as she always did. That’s why Nesto, in his mind, afraid of losing his loving aunt when he came to think of it. Never in his mind was what his aunt was hiding. Nesia had a breast cancer since she was fifty-nine and now that she turned sixty-five she felt that her body weakens as time passed by. But she kept it away from Nesto’s eyes.

Not until Nesto reached seventeen when he came home late after labouring with Guiler’s father in their farm. He was so hungry but could not find any cooked food in the kitchen. He wondered why is aunt was not there as she always did, cooking Nesto’s favourite for their dinner and waiting for him. But sobbed after discovering his aunt’s pulseless body lying in her bed.

 Nesto’s grief did not last after the burial of his aunt, but here comes Guiler who always comforted him. Two years later, the friends found themselves talking under the same tree at Beto’s. The sun was high and the wind was cool.

“I decided to leave. I will go to the other province where there are bigger chances of raising money”, Nesto said.


“Are you going to leave me” Guiler replied.

“Of course”, he replied laughing.

“Living you is the best way to raise money”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s have another game, but this time it will be the biggest and the last, let’s raise money and as usual, there will be the winner.”

“But you are winning Nesto, I always loss. But living me will be my biggest failure.”

“Ayshe, I will put my feet on the other province’s land, find my fate and raise my money larger than yours”, he said and laughed.

Guiler felt a little insult for what Nesto said and how he did it. But he is sad for the departing of his best chum. Nesto added that they both should have their wives, too.

So then, they had agreed to meet after fifteen years, whatever their fate maybe, see if their money and property will be bigger than the other and if they will have their wives and sons.

Immediately after that day, during the afternoon, Tirso said goodbye to his friend,

rode in a bus and gone. It was Thursday that time at 1 p.m... Both are sad, but

one thing made Guiler strong--to be the winner of their game. But for Nesto he

did not really mean that game, but he cared for his friend, for to him, that game

will make his friend an industrious man and soon progressive. All he wanted is to

be fully independent. And moving on from the death of his beloved aunt was the

hardest thing to do.

Years pass then. Guiler kept his thought of the game everyday. He worked so

hard and never had a recreation. Because of being productive, he was able to

earn such amount of money and made used in a business. He was able to grow

his little store into a larger one. He was able too, to built a house good or a family.

He never thought of his age going up. But as Guiler took care of his business,

when he was 28, he met Letecia, a beautiful young maiden from Kapangan, the

next town. They had a mutual relationship and after sometime they got married.

After a year they were blessed with a daughter. They were so happy and they

named her Anita.

Guiler, still, did not forget the game, he let Letecia took care of their business while he tilled his shared land from his father. He planted cabbages, carrots, & potatoes and sell them in the market. They were successful of their business as well as in farming so they were able to save some money in the bank.

At first, Letecia could not understand why her husband was so thrifty. She thought it was just for their future, but this time it seems it laps the tie. But after listening to Guiler’s long story, she understood her husband. The fact that she was very kind and understanding as her husband described her. No doubt that their neighbours called him “The Lucky Man”. Letecia, at last, was convinced to her husband.

One day when Guiler went home for lunch, his wife passed him a letter. It was from the postman. He read the address written on the right side of the paper. It was from Isabela. His doubt and excitement was straightened when he saw Tirso Nesto’s name. He was very happy upon seeing it, at last after a number of years, even for just for a letter, showed his friendship commitment. He excitedly opened the letter and read leaving his dirty hands unwashed. It goes:

Hi, good day my friend! Hope you are in a good condition upon reading my letter. I heard that you are growing a lot. I admire you my friend.

How’s our deal? I know you went so far by now. And I would know if you are married, too. He…he… I say I’m married too. I have my only son and you will see him soon.

 We agreed to meet after fifteen years and two years from now will be the time. You see, I’m not supposed to write but my friend; I really need a favour from only you… please lend me some of your money, twenty thousand pesos and I will make it forty when I pay it. I need it to support my business in here. I know you will friend.
I’ll wait for that…

 Thank you so much, and see you after two years.

 I miss you!

Guiler remained silent after reading the letter. Silence… Not until Letecia tapped his right shoulder saying,

“Honey, I know you are hungry. Come wash your hands and let’s eat with Anita??...”

“Aaah…Owen, thanks hon. we will eat.” He answered suprisedly.

Guiler saw their viand—vegetables from his farm—and so was this time he thought of the game. He knew his wife learned a lot from him the art of thriftiness. Guiler was very convinced by the situation so that he said to himself,

“Why should I grant Nesto?”

“What if I lend him twenty and he’ll make it five hundred? He’ll beat me again as usual, and I could not accept that. I’ll be insulted again… I will not allow that I am the cause of my own defeat. Of course he does, he’ll trap me.” Guiler thought that way as if it was a big critical game between two enemies. He started to be ill-humoured inside. Hatred and hope ran his heart.

“He thought he is wise but I grew craftier.” He added.


The spoon in front of him was touchless not until his wife handed it to him.
“Is there something wrong with your friend?” Leticia asked him.


Guiler kept his thought in secret and pretended smiling.

“No, no… none. It was just a long time hello, and I love it. I miss him.”

“I admire your friendship with Nesto, hon.”

“Thank you. You’re such a perfect wife.”

“Because I loved you, and I will love you.”

“I’m the lucky man! So real!!!” shouted Guiler and laughed.

Their daughter, Anita, who was in the fourth grade at Celo Haight Elementary School was very happy too. But Guiler was the happiest in countenance, but deep inside was hatred, jealousy, and hope—hopes to beat his friend, hate for the cunning of his friend to him as he presumed, and a long time jealousy to him.

The matter circulated his mind living the night sleepless. In the morning, Guiler never thought of sending money to Nesto. He ate his breakfast, put on his boots and his cowboy hat, handed the grab hoe, kissed his wife and daughter, and went to the farm. The only thing in his mind was hardwork.

Time passed and the two years were gone. The night before Thursday came, the meeting day of the chums. Guiler planned to prepare pinikpikan and macaroni salad for his friend arriving the next day. This time he did not need to conserve for he was very sure of winning their game. The fact that their business grew very progressive, their farm was very productive and their money in the bank grew for thirty times or more. Guiler expected Nesto, his wife, and their son to be arriving on 1 p.m. the next day so he planned to go to the market which was five kilometres away in the morning to buy the food. He could not let Letecia to do the buy for his wife was five months pregnant or Anita since she must attend her Thursday class.

The awaited day was cracked open by the loud cocking of the holos. Guiler woke up early, cooked rice and sipped the barako. He prepared his purse, put in 700 peso bill budget for the food and put aside the thousands. Then he looked up the clock hanged on the wall beside the door and immediately went to Anita’s room. He woke her up, let her ate, took a bath, and gave her 5 peso and send her to school. He let his daughter walk to school despite the fact that she has the big opportunity and chance to ride the service in the morning and the dismissal.

It was already nine o’clock when his wife woke up. Yes she was pregnant. He cooked vegetable soup for her. After that he rushed and went to their bedroom and changed his clothes. The clock turned 10:15 so he said goodbye to his wife and started walking. He was afraid of getting late in the set time but he still walked to the market under the heat of the sun.

Not so much time he reached the street going to his destination. There are many people making the place very noisy. There are many buyers, sellers, traders and travellers since Thursday was the trading day of the town. Trading cars and services from the other provinces filled the parking lot and even in front of the market. Guiler pulled a handkerchief from the pocket of his thin jacket and wiped his sweaty forehead. The sun is burning and the place is crowded. He continued walking to the poultry section of the trading place. In his half way, he did not notice a boy approaching in front of him that caused them to hit each other. Guiler, unstable because of the temperature, at his anger, looked at the boy with his fuming eyes and schooled him.

“What an ignorant boy! You had already taken my lane but you made your way sightless!” He shouted.

“I’m …sorry uncle. I did not mean to hurt you.” Replied the boy in tattered shirt, faded pants, dirty white old shoes and blue bag on his back.

“I’m not an uncle of yours, go! Get lost little boy!” Guiler shouted without realizing the words coming out from his sinful mouth and as if he was the only person in the place.

Then he let the boy passed him and he continued walking to the poultry section. He then arrived and went to the baskets. He chose one of the broiler culls and let it be packed by the salesman. He proceeded to the counter and put his hand in the right pocket of his jacket. His face turned red and his hand trembled. He checked the other pockets of his jacket and his pants but he really couldn’t find his purse. The lady in the counter looked at him with a sigh.

“Are you going to pay or not?”

“I lost my purse.”

Guiler wondered how he lost his purse. But the dark room of his mind was lighted when he came to think of the boy.

“The boy… the boy snatched my purse!”

At the very quick of the moment he turned his feet and ran back. He was after the boy. He ran as fast as he could. He started searching for the boy when he reached the end of the long building. He could not find him. He went out; there his eyes caught the boy’s back and recognized him of his blue bag pack at the end of the street. He was walking fast so that it made Guiler conclude that he really snatched his purse. He ran quickly after the boy. He shouted him that made the boy stopped. People around were watching them. Then the 33 yr-old man grabbed him in the neck and said,

“Give me back my purse!”

“I don’t know what you are talking about, uncle.”

Guiler took his bag and started searching. It was not there. Then he searched his pockets but nothing he found.

“To whom did u pass my purse?!” shouted he.

“I really know nothing about it.” The boy answered crying.


Then Guiler slapped his face.


“Give me back my purse!” he shouted at his anger.

The boy, who claimed he was innocent, ran right away escaping from Guiler. But he ran after him. He had reached the third street chasing the boy when he saw the boy’s attempt of crossing along the highway. Guiler was shocked when suddenly the boy was hit by a fast approaching pick up car and his head hit the ground, his limbs were crushed and his backbones broke. Blood flowed on the ground. There was a moment of extreme silence in the crowded street beside the highway. Then the driver of the pickup went out of the truck. He couldn’t say anything but put his two hands on his head.

“I did not saw him.” His voice trembled as his eyes turned red.

“It was an accident, it was unavoidable.” He added.

Everybody knows it was an accident so that when he policeman came they have to know it. The driver promised to pay for for everything.

Guiler, on his feet, never moved like a post. His feet trembled. He was of guilt . Then he slowly walked back. He didn't know what to do, but came to decide to go home instead. While on the way, he thought of keeping what was happened in secret to his wife and pretend to have changed his mind.


It was already 12:25 p.m. when he arrived home. He fixed himself before presenting to his wife. Then he entered.

“Hi hon, I’ve changed my mind. I’ll go to the farm and harvest some corn.” He said to his wife who had been sitting on the sofa and crocheting since he leaved her.

But his wife laughingly replied,

“Yes you do. How could you continue your plan when you left your purse?”

“You were rushing this morning that made you forget the most important thing. You left your purse on the table in our room.”

Then for Guiler it seemed that the world all faded to black. His body trembled again, but now very much stronger. His heart pumped very strong, his eyes turned red, and his mind was in black.

“Hon, are you okay?” asked Letecia.

Guiler did not answer as if he was deft. He went to their room. His wife thought that he was just tired so she thought he needed a rest. Guiler, in the room, was so guilty of what he did.

“I killed the boy. Oh God, forgive me… I did not mean to do it that way.” His eyes were in dry tears. He continued blaming himself. He was unable to erase the picture in his mind of the boy whom he slapped, chased, and the blood… the dead boy, his face… the innocent boy. He killed a blameless. He even forgot Tirso Nesto and the time. But they did not actually arrive besides the fact that it was already past 1 p.m.

Letecia, cooking, heard a knocking on the door. She thought of his husband’s friend, Nesto. “It’s them…” So she washed her hands and went to the door. As she opened it, she saw a man in uniform. She immediately asked with doubt,

“Are you Tisto Nesto sir?”

“No, I am a policeman. Here’s a letter for you, I think it is addressed in here.”

“Ah, it’s from?”

“The boy, I mean a dead boy. He met an accident a while ago, and no one claims his body. He has no identity. We found this letter in the pocket of his pants. I saw it’s for you, so I directly came.”

Letecia, wondering, received the letter and let the cop enter and seat.

“Do you remember now? Who is that boy?”

“No. I don’t know, maybe my husband does.”

“Better read the letter first.”

Letecia read the cover of the letter and it was addressed to his husband.

“It’s for my husband! How come??? ”

She then leaved the cop at the sala and let him wait while she was going to their room to let her husband read the letter. She knocked and entered. While entering she saw her husband sitting on the side of the bed with his arms on his head and his eyes red.

“What happened to you, hon?” she asked.


Guiler did not reply as if he didn’t hear her.


“Here’s a letter from the policeman. It’s for you.”

“It was from a boy who has just died a while ago, this is important.”

Guiler’s eyed grew big upon hearing the ‘boy’, immediately pulled the letter. He was very shocked and wondered. Immediately he opened it with his arms trembling.

Now his wife began to question him, “What happened? Do you know the boy? Why…………?” But never Guiler seemed to listen. He began reading the letter. The letter contained:

My best chum…

This is the biggest of all favour I will ask you. I know you will understand. The game is done. You are the winner friend,
The one who handled this letter is my only son whom you said you wondered about when we were under the pine tree of the beloved Beto. He really looks like his mother, and you are correct. He..he..
Upon reading this letter my friend, I assure you I am already dead…

Guiler, unfinished reading the letter, numb, his eyes had grown pale, his hands trembled & his feet and at last all of his body. He remembered the rest at Beto. He felt his heart pump stronger and his breath was outnumbered. The letter fell to his shoes. He seemed to be mute… but suddenly he talked and his wife was surprised. Hate, anger, hope, and jealousy vanished in his heart.

“I was eaten by the devil’s horns.” exclaimed Guiler.

“Hey, what’s happening to you? Please calm down.” answered his wife.

But Guiler appeared to be out of himself.

“My soul shall be thrown to damnation, I was weak. I was… and God shall punish me.” He said and sobbed. Then all of a sudden he stood up and ran to the tool shed. He grabbed the rope and ran directly to the mountains. He was shouting,

“Friend! Friend! Oh God, wait for me!”

Letecia, crying and shouting for Guiler’s coming back, asked the policeman to follow him.

Letecia was hopeless, crying. She went back to the room and picked up the letter, sat on the bed and read.

Nesto’s wife was long dead. She had a cancer where Nesto needed spent all their money and sold their properties just for her medication. But of all the efforts, she did not make it. Tirso Nesto and his son turned very poor. Nesto worked and worked to sustain their survival, until he got his callous illness. The moment that he can no longer stand up was the time when he made the first letter. But Guiler never sent him what he asked for, and he can no longer wait for it. He supposed to be using that twenty thousand for his medication. That was why he advised his son to go to his friend Guiler on the day they agreed to meet, if he’ll not make it on the day. But his chance of surviving on the day was vague…











































Chum's Game

  F. D. Gaynat


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