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I was walking one afternoon when something caught my eyes. I saw a book. I stopped and picked it up. It was wet and muddy but I can read what was written. I continued walking as I read it slowly.

It was a calm sunny morning when I found myself getting stronger. The cold wind rushed around my body like the Tai Chi power. The beautiful ocean water never lost its very attractive color blue that reflected towards the enormous sky. The ocean was very calm and lovely, perfect for dating a loveliest partner.

I smiled.




Every second passed became my fuel that made me stronger, stronger and stronger. Now I can stand on my feet. I am certain I can travel on my own. But I just stayed cool to gain more strength. However, in times my friends laughed at me when I act as cool and good so I might as well become a quick bad one like them. Hence I planned to outdo all areas but it was impossible. I needed more power to block the sunlight, but I must wait for the right time. And soon I realized that it was my nature and I am going to ascertain my whole personality, of who really I am, as I go on.

The next morning, I began travelling. I entered a wide island. I made people shudder. They all crossed the threshold of their houses when I was passing. Some people in umbrella rushed their ways to their homes. I believed that they were all afraid of me and that was the thing I liked the most. I discovered that I liked to stress and exhaust out people in here. So I decided first to stay. The next day, my strength was doubled up. I was sturdier than any other like Hercules.

The people locked their houses when they saw me coming again. They were very scared of me. I liked it! So I chased some of them. I ran after a man in overcoat and in rain boats. He ran fast but I chased faster. ‘Til we reached the end of the passage way, so he got nowhere to run. Then he hurried to climb up the dangerous cliff trembling. I was about to follow but he fell. Maybe he was outrun by his fear. I did not blame myself for killing him; he was the one who found his death. Subsequently I acted innocent and continued chasing more people. Now, I could count the number of persons died. But I was sure I was happy.

The next day, I was totally in the island! There were many tall buildings in the place. I loved it! At quick time I destroyed properties. Those buildings, cars, parks, houses, etc. were not saved from my activity. I was not contented so I killed people for another time. Their guns could not kill me because I was invincible. I stayed for almost three days doing that way until it came a time that I could not tolerate inhaling  the odorous air in the place. Oh! I forgot, there was air pollution since I came here. It was going to destroy my nose so I went forth to the north leaving much destruction of properties and lives.

I was very saddened about it. I sat on a muddy stone and I continued reading.

The following day I arrived at the north. I was passing through a house when I saw my face on TV. I was wanted! And classes were suspended. The man in the TV was reminding the people to prepare for my coming. He was enjoining them to protect themselves when I arrive. I just smiled and continued on my way.

Then I found a good place at the north. I think it was a tourist attraction. It was fun to scatter those much garbage stocked on the road sides. I ruined the place just like what I have done yesterday.

After that, I moved a little upper and I found a mountainous place. I was very disappointed when I saw that the trees were already getting smaller in number. Ther were vegetable terraces everywhere, roads and highways on the mountainsides, and cars and burnings everywhere polluted the air.

I got angry so I immediately destroyed anything infront of me. I killed people once more. Until such time that I was already tired up. I was supposed to leave but I met a friend along the way. He kept on bantering me of leaving early that was why I came back. So I continued my actvity. I have damaged many properties, and lives. But time came and I was very exhausted. I was too tired of everything. I have destroyed and killed many people without using my conscience.

Slowly leaving, I heard cryings. There were griefs everywhere. There were homeless people seeking for help. There were floods; the roads were misty, and landslides everywhere.
I can’t resist the sadness in me as I continued reading this muddy book.

I was already out of the area when I met my friend again. I thought he would tease me again and ask me to go back but it went with the opposite. Quedan congratulated me and accompanied me out of the place. Now I fully realized my personality.

I had reached the end of the book, which the writings were as big as ones thumb, where the typhoon named Pepeng wrote his last result of his struggle to uncovering his real personality.

“I was created by humans like those I’ve killed. They generated me although they do not know regarding it. I was just born by climate changes. And I have so many friends out there in the seas waiting for their time but still humans carry on create tragedies like me. If they made faults, they should pay for it…”

Now I could blame but except the writer. Now I guess I know. I had a feeling beyond description. Sadness? Guilt? Whatever.

I finally closed the book and started walking for home for it was already getting dark…

The Book on the Mud

  F. D. Gaynat



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