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Randy was raised with enough food on the table, enough blankets at

night, and enough gold shirts at school. His dad gave him all what he

wanted when he was twelve years old. Among people like him, Randy

stayed different, he loved helping poor people.

Walking along the sidewalk of the city street, when he was 14, Randy

would give all what he have just for the little thin Juan to eat for his

hungry bones. His burger, being his most favorite snack was every day

the first life and the most clean and most delicious food for Juan.

Randy was happy every time he helped the child.

Randy loved no one greater than his father. He would give him

everything to him—attention, love, care, and money which helped

Randy to share their riches to the poor, but the thing in a box says

Randy’s father did not know what his son’s activity, in fact, his father

will surely get angry at him—but for sure he loved his father very much.

He just kept his helping in clandestine. Years pass and still, Randy could not find any problem when money came as the matter. Every day, he visited Juan and gave him food and money. He would even give other children if he had enough to give.

The greatest University of the city opened up Randy’s understanding of the world, his country---the situation of his beloved neighbors. He took Law as his course in college. His father was very supportive at him so that made him inspired all the time.

Remember my friend that Randy loves the poor. So that it made him a very good antagonist against people abusing his co-people.

“Corruption gives people the reason to sleep beside the streets.” Randy, being the best speaker of the college always spoke against those things which he knew the reason why people get to poverty.

The time came for Randy to march on the red carpet in line for his graduation day. The master of ceremony loudly spoke his loudly applauded name as the best student in the university climbed up the well decorated stage. His big father was the happiest man on earth that time. His valedictory address never missed his father’s honorable name.

“I dedicate this diploma to my father…” Heartful dedication by him made the night dramatic.

After the graduation program Randy hugged his father. No one could fall into animadversion but to beat your palms with the other was the best thing to do when you were there.

Not so long after his graduation, Randy’s dismal attitude and passion against people in the control who were corrupt and indulgent was grown. So that it made him sit with the people in necktie who were struggling their will against corruption.

Of course Randy was so intelligent and much active that they were able to affect people in the government. He and his co-Lawyers worked something powerful against the said people. The will of the team started to desiccate the moisturized drawers under those men in power. Randy’s father never knew about his activity. But the father and the son never lost their closeness with each other. One time when they were eating,

“Father, I already have my own salary, I can now live alone.”

“Yes I knew it, but please stay with us son.”

“Yes father, I already knew that you will speak that line. He..he..he…”

“But father, there is no more reason for you to continue your job. You have already lots of money in the bank; I can even provide your needs. Dad, have the reason to resign, I guess it’s time for you to rest.”

“No…” he answered immediately.

He continued…

“I mean, son, there are enough time for resting. I just love to serve people.”

“If that’s the thing which makes you happy, I cannot do anything; just keep good as you are father…”

The conversation went through just after his dad’s little hesitation. The talk turns to laughter between the big father who was a government official of one of the city departments for extensive years he stayed on the position making their family up to the middle class, and the innocent but wise and intelligent son.

The very important date came as fast as the birds fly high and the lawyers came in the line. At a short time their papers were effective.

The base of everything will now be peeled. The examination went through without our hero’s good anticipation to uncover the bad but great decision.

The investigation pushed through from the day they stood up in the line. One-two-three days---one week, two weeks, three weeks—they were very hopeful…

But this time for Randy is either good or bad. We can say it is when it is. The first day hit Randy’s heart and mind. It made him tipple with the bottle of cold water on his trembling brown hand. Was it a bad luck? Or a good decision? Was it desecrated against his family? Or a truth which must prevail? Indeed, the very first investigation crowned his father as a big, a BIG TIME CORRUPTOR, and may become the most corrupt official in the city…



F. D. Gaynat


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