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The so soft sweet sounds of the south conquered up the whole restaurant in the evening whereas the moon with its gaudy dim white light entered the thick glass against the bright fluorescent light of the clean and white place.

The flannel curtain beside the man was slowly impelled by the cool wind entering through the capaciously opened convex window beneath the lantern opposite to his side.

The man sluggishly sipped the brown cup of coffee the man in white and black on his neck had just served him. The quite continual uncontrolled shaking of his warm hands bore flow from the cup down to the table. Then he took his handkerchief to wipe his forehead.

The time the cook took his frizzle action was the same time when Jaime Fuentivilla did lay his feet on the ground and of his settling. Jaime was in merry look; with a colorful jacket, and a smiling face that made him look like a clown undisturbed a scar below his left ear. Upon opening the door, he directly pursued the man on the third table opposite to the entrance side. The man seated with fixed semi-high cut hair would felicitate his friend for the success in business. The smile of the chums would give justice to the days they've been together.

“You’re going too far by now, seems so busy but of successful business.”

“I don’t know, but here I am troubling a bit of you”, Chuckled Jaime.

“It’s nice to hear that”, he smiled.

“How about Bobby, did you hear something about him?”

Jaime would hesitate before answering.

“Poor Bobby is dead. Someone with a gun in his hand ended his life, took the paper in his wallet”, he answered with a sigh.

“Oh Bobby, I never thought his fate goes opposite with his unconceded chap personality. A very good man really does not live long."

"I am safe then.", smiling.

“Oh God, it’s me coming”, he joked.

The two men on the restaurant laughed together with memories. The air breezing towards them made him comfortable for a while. They talked about Bobby and his good deeds. Jaime’s long stay in Manila made him very familiar of the place, willing to guide his friend on his third day of being a stranger in the town.

Jaime excitingly ordered a labeled strong proof special black wine. He said he miss being with the new kid in town with a turning up glass between them. He took the first drink with the drinking glass of gelid water and followed the other.

“How about your love life? Don’t’ you have a crazy plan to marry?", said Jaime with a big curve on his mouth while putting up the glass.

“Never in my mind”, he answered and laughed.

Drinking glass up.

“I never thought you have enough plans to go for priesthood.”

Drinking glass up.

“I never thought I’d lost my plan.”

The two kings laughed together for the most time. At a point in time, Henry Bandales talked seriously.

“And now I have to say something”.

Drinking glass up.

“Com'on Nesto, just talk.”, Jaime, with his ears and face pretty red took the glass and took it in.

Henry requested Jaime to fill the glass for him. Drinking glass up.

“I just needed to do something serious, but please help me.”

“You’re a good man; I do not have any reason to disagree.”

“I must kill someone”


“I thought you will help me.”

“I said I need it”


“There’s no time, I'll explain after.”

“But how about your business soon?”

“I’ll be doing it out of town.”

“Look, you are taking a serious stuff Henry.”

“Of course I know it, help me.”

“How can I help you?”

“Come with me, I just needed you to watch my back.”

Jaime was reluctant but soon tapped Henry's shoulder.


"Don't worry my friend, I'm help you."

Henry took the first stand, pursued the bill and both went out like members of the cantonment. He called a taxi and they made a ride.

“Jaime would watch the beautiful lights the city flashed every night. ​


"They must have spent millions for those bright lights."


"Aye... Yeah. Those are for you, I mean for us to see."​



The four wheeled white car took its break in front of a tall shiny building. The man paid for the fare and tapped Jaime’s shoulder.

“Come on friend here we are.”​


"Alas! This would take a little time. After that, it will be the last."


"Okay, I'll watch your back."​

“Let’s go.” Requested Henry while safely keeping his gun on his back.

The two men outside finally entered for the night. Many a time that the lady in the counter saw the passage of Henry in front of her.

The cold and chilling wind whizzed outside the white building. Dogs outside were howling everywhere unraveling the mysteries of the night. The gloom of the night slowly colored all parts of the street. But after all the corners of the place were conquered by the dark, a gunshot was heard. Three black butterflies flew beautifully in the street but out of the blue were disturbed by the arrival of three policeman patrol-car.  Six men in uniform pulled their guns and directly pursued the third floor of the building.

When they arrived, they found a body on the floor, head towards the ground. The friend's kill was successful. However, something was wrong. The investigator finally turned turned the body up and identified it was Jaime—Dead—Shot in the head and was lying on the floor with his own blood around him. Henry was gone. The lonely soft sound of music roamed every space of the living room.

Not so long as one year ago, a man named Bobby Bandales was shot by a man in hire under the order pursuance of a man with a scar on his neck below his left ear. Business and money took Bobby’s life… 

The Friends' Kill 

 F. D. Gaynat


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