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Forward Life

Life is so strange
Nothing stays the same
Everything change
But who to blame
Life is like a game
Where you have to lose
Before you can gain
To win you have to face the fearful rain
In Life.. They always say
Don't use your heart
Only use your brain
In life there is love
But the more is hate
No one decide
They all hesitate
And who knows the fate
The closest people you need go away
When you need them the most
You find them lost Day after day
Days go by
People are born.. and other die
Year after year
No one understands
Nothing is clear
Nothing in our hearts except fear
Today you walk & talk
Tomorrow you lay in your grave
And nothing it gave
The money that you save
And no use of your gold
When it won't be sold
You have to be strong
Stop doing the wrong
And never lie
Be ready for your last goodbye...



07. 01. 2013

Wonderful Life


Oh how wonderful the feeling this is,

Birds fly like that of their first flight;

Through the first rain that came by,

On this last days of summer going by.

From the edge of the rainbow they start,

To the edge of the rainbow they exit;

At its way the colors paint their paths,

​Yellow, blue, black, they go. Pass.

Oh how wonderful life is.
07. 20. 2013


AYOSIP: A Tale of Two Hearts

Like an arborvitae of dwarfism that completes the green in the mountains of Benguet; sounds like harmonica when the cool sweet fresh wind on the land of mine passes through it casts away the hazy fogs covering the beautiful tall lands—the land of the green strong pine trees, curly ferns, and fat tannapos, and the evergreen ayosip which made me accept my genuine situation.

    The sweet moments between me and Anna immersed the core of the infinitesimalviolet fruit and its sweetness violates the property of impenetrability between us. Now, I am waiting for our ayosip to bear its fruit. I could not wait any longer to taste the sweet moments between me and her; and to swallow the memories which left my colorless nights sleepless...



DEATH is a surprise. Yes, it is. One may be able to know that someone is dying, but still it's a surprise. Suppose you have someone close to you near death, there's a conslusion in you that this person is dying. Yet you will never ever think that this person will die. After all, it will spring as a surprise. 


That's how I imagined my mother felt when my brother passed away. Putting myself into her shoes, this situation is like one of the ends of the world.


I felt the intense heaviness of the heart when I learned he passed away. Immediately, I thought of my mother, I worried. I knew that she has the heaviest heart--she is our mother and I knew her. I felt my knees weakening down.


That devastating afternoon began the night before. I had a fever, colds, and muscle pains. I couldn't sleep. In the morning, I was weakening down. I drank a lot of water. Then I sat on the porch facing the skies. I fell asleep. That day I took a leave of sickness from the office. I woke up at eleven o'clock. I was hungry, slowly opened the fridge, and ate some sandwiches. Then I took my medicine full of hope to recover faster. After that, I lied down on my bed while listening to meditational music. One internet message interrupted the sweet music. I went to read it. It was my cousin stating that my brother was in the hospital and was really in bad condition. I didn't reply her because I was dizzy facing the monitor. I went back to bed and started thinking. What was wrong (if you consider it wrong) is that, I never thought of someone passing away. I have known him as a big brother, strong one, and someone who was full of dreams. I just thought he would recover and get back home to be with his wife and his two kids at the soonest time. Consequently, I fell asleep again.


Then a phone call woke me up at three o'clock  in the afternoon, It was my sister at Hongkong. I could hazily hear what she was saying. She had a very weak voice. I never thought of anything that time. Then I fully awoke and set my phone. She said, "It's done. It's done. It's all over. Do you understand?", then she coughed. I understood nothing on what she said. I clarified and she replied, "It's all over. It's done. I am tired already. I will tell them to make it four days. I'll request them to wait for us." Then it took me half a minute to think. I swear I never thought someone died. And my sister told me, "Are you going home? Book a ticket immediately and let's meet in Manila." I just said okay with a trembling voice. Then she said she'll call me later.


I stared at my phone with blank eyes and pointless pace. I slowly stood up and went to respond a facebook message. It was my cousin. There, I saw the words, "Your brother passed away, they're taking him home this time. Be strong brother. I pray for your safety." And that broked me. I cried like a baby. My body went trembling until I felt I was empty. I didn't want to think anymore. I just stared at the sky.


It happened, I was able to get home despite my sickness. There I was able to embrace my home again, and see my love ones. I was happy for that, yet the heavy feeling didn't distance even a bit, it went closer as I stare at my older brother's face. He was in laying in a tomb with pine tree scent. I remember me and him discussing about death long before this.

My Brother: Good for me if I'm able to reach fifty (of age) before I die. (laughs)

Me: You will. And I'll be fourty-nine. (laughs)

My Brother: If I die where would they bury me? I don't have any properties yet. (laughs)

Me: We will let them bury us in the mountains, so that we can look over the place of pines. (laughs)

My Brother: (Laughs)

We were the closest in the family. He taught me how to be a man. He taught me how to attract women and how to walk like a tough guy. He helped me in my high school home works. He bought me clothes and shoes. I always wanted to go with him when he got somewhere to go. He taught me how to sing. Now these things are memories. I have memories. He is a memory. But this memory will always linger on. Soon I will see him again. And I'll be a memory too.


The Hospital Window

(Based on "The Man by the Window"

by Harry Buschman)

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The Lonely Bachelor



Is a commitment
Less or more given
More or less received
It doesn't matter
It's a brotherhood.
Is love...
Whatever may seem
Wherever one is
It doesn't matter
It's a brotherhood.
08. 07. 2013


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